Monday, 2 October 2017

THE DOT FORMAT - Document Format Specification - Version 1 - Revision 4 (Gitbub Location)

Sunday, 1 October 2017

THE DOT FORMAT - Document Format Specification - Version 1 - Revision 4

THE DOT FORMAT - Version 1, Spec Revision 4

Anoop Kumar Narayanan,

Copyright Information:
This design document and entire the contents of this design document are hereby 
made available for free under the PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Highlights In Revision4:

Re-written the entire document, to increase readability.
Added FAQ.

Removed operations from within element nodes.
Added new marker-selector line support for use with operations.
Operations have been moved onto its on lines, each line is one operation.
Added support for non executable BLOB/CLOBs within the heirarchy.
Elements can have duplicate attributes.
The document can have multiple root nodes.

Spec Revision:
4 - 02/10/2017
NOTE: This revision is the new format, please ignore revision 1, 2, and 3.

    ____  ____  ______   __________  ____  __  ______  ______
   / __ \/ __ \/_  __/  / ____/ __ \/ __ \/  |/  /   |/_  __/
  / / / / / / / / /    / /_  / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / /| | / /   
 / /_/ / /_/ / / /    / __/ / /_/ / _, _/ /  / / ___ |/ /    
/_____/\____/ /_/    /_/    \____/_/ |_/_/  /_/_/  |_/_/     
 _    ____________  _____ ________  _   __   ___             
| |  / / ____/ __ \/ ___//  _/ __ \/ | / /  <  /             
| | / / __/ / /_/ /\__ \ / // / / /  |/ /   / /              
| |/ / /___/ _, _/___/ // // /_/ / /|  /   / /               
|___/_____/_/ |_|/____/___/\____/_/ |_/   /_/                
    ____  _______    ___________ ________  _   __   __ __    
   / __ \/ ____/ |  / /  _/ ___//  _/ __ \/ | / /  / // /    
  / /_/ / __/  | | / // / \__ \ / // / / /  |/ /  / // /_    
 / _, _/ /___  | |/ // / ___/ // // /_/ / /|  /  /__  __/    
/_/ |_/_____/  |___/___//____/___/\____/_/ |_/     /_/       

Inspired from limitations of XML:
XML isn't the most grep-able text data format.
XML patching is extremely difficult using patch command.
XML doesn't give information on hierarchy depth.
XML requires a dedicated parser.
XML distinguishes between attribute and nodes.
XML requires a closing tag.
XML cannot grow, unless it opened in a DOM parser and modified.
XML conventionally doesn't have links.
XML doesn't have support for inbuilt tags or id.
XML doesn't have support for inbuilt query or query results storing.

Compatible with XML. XML -> DOT (works), DOT -> XML (not always)
Text format, No support for unicode as yet.
Every line is a node.
No element end tag.
Skips invalid lines, continues with the rest.
Its Lightweight.
Easily readable.
Easily editable.
Easily portable.
Easily debug-able.
Easily searchable using command line tools.
Easily patch-able using patch command.
Easily grow-able, can add and delete nodes/attributes/tags.
Easily represent hierarchical data.
Easily add data links to other nodes and attributes.
Every attribute is also a node unlike XML.
Support for embedding BLOB/CLOB/Files. (Revision 4)
Support for duplicate attributes. (Revision 4)

Use Cases:
Can be used as a configuration file.
Can be used as an non-compressed archive as well
Can be used as log files.
Can be used as a change log file.
Can be used to load data into a data structure.
Can be used as text base network protocol.
Can be used as a new format for E-Mails/Messaging ...etc.
Can be used for small databases.
All existing use-cases of XML.

* The characters "." or period, "@" or at, "#" or hash cannot be used as
  attribute names ever.
* Cannot use "," or comma in as element or attribute names.
* Does not support unicode as of now.
* Does not support namespaces as of now.


The DOT format is designed to be simple, easy to understand and easy to use for
developers, engineers... etc. It can represent hierarchical data. Unlike JSON
and XML format, the DOT format extensively relies on line based information.
Each line represent a Node which maybe an Element as well. All lines are
terminated with a "\r\n" or "\n". Support for empty lines and comments also
exist, and the best part removing a node is as simple as putting a space
before the line. Each line containing a valid information must begin with a "."
or DOT. Each element can have attributes including duplicate attributes. The
attribute and value are separated using ":" or a colon. The attribute-value
pairs themselves are separated using using a " " or space. The values can have
spaces which are represented using "_" or underscore, naturally this means that
"_" or underscore will have to be escaped. In order to represent data of a child
element, the data in the next line having the tag should be preceded with an
extra dot. The document can have multiple root nodes. There is no support for
namespaces, but since element names can have special characters of ASCII, it can
be made used of in representing software specific elements.

Namespaces Representation:
DOT format does not support Namespaces. Use a dot "." between namespace and
element name if you want specify a namespace, but please note the whole string
will be considered as an element name.

-------- .:Windows_xp 
Here "" is the element name.

Node Representation:
If line starts with:
" "            - Treated as a Comment Line
"\r\n" or "\n" - Treated as a Empty Line
"."            - Treated as a Dot Line containing information to be parsed.
"@"            - Treated as selector for DOT operation.
"#"            - Treated as a DOM operation Line.
All Others     - Treated as Configuration Line containing Name:Value

* Example of a configuration line:
version:1;this is a configuration line, which is a name value pair.

* Example of a Comment line:
 this is a comment line as it begins with a space

* Example of a DOT information line:
.object .:this_is_a_dot_information_line_containing_an_element_with_attribute.

* Example of a selector line:
@ UniqueMarker1

* Example of a DOT operation line:
# .:This_appends_a_text_attribute_to_the_last_parsed_node.

* DOT "Operation" line cannot be easily ported to XML or other Serialisation
data formats.
* DOT "Operation" line will always work on the last node that was parsed. So, In
order to make it work on earlier nodes, you will need to select it.

Element Representation:
The line always starts with ".". If the sequence of "." is followed by

"+"            - Treated as attribute append for previous DOT line, 
                 Number of dots has to be equal to depth of previous line +1.
                 This is basically to improve the readability.
"^"            - Treated as Reset cursor to Last parsed DOT line before
                 the user of "@" (Marker-Selector)
All Others     - Treated as normal element names

Special Elements:
+ - Used to append attributes to the previous line
^ - Reset cursor to the last tag in the DOM

TODO: Need to verify this
NOTE: Appending attributes can also be done by making use of Marker-Selectors.
NOTE: Try to avoid using special characters in ascii as element names.

Attribute Representation:
All node's child text-node start with ".". It is also know as text attribute.
All other attribute's name can be anything other than a "." . Attributes doesn't
need quotes anymore, it makes uses of "_" to separate words. The spaces are used
for attribute-value pair separation.

* Example of an element with a normal attribute:
.object1 attribute1:value_of_attribute1 attribute2:value_of_attribute2 

* Example of an element with a text attribute:
.object2 .:first_node_text_data_which_is_also_represented_as_an_attribute.

Multi-line Attributes: Giving clarity to reader
To make attributes more readable, Attributes can be pushed to the next line with
the '.' depth incremented by one followed by an immediate '+'.

* Example of an element with its attribute in the following line:
.body attr1:this_is_an_attribute.
..+ bodyattr2:this_is_another_attribute_of_body.

BLOB and CLOB Attributes: (New in Revision 4)
Embedding BLOB/CLOB can only be done using DOT operation "<", which means the
node has to be selected first for the operation. If the Embedded BLOB/CLOB
requires additional information, it can be supplied as additional attributes in
a particular node. BLOB/CLOB can be added only to an attribute. In otherwords,
the data is always stored as part of an attribute. This BLOB/CLOB addition
description has to be followed by '\n' following which the LOB data should start
and continue until 65536 bytes followed by a '\n' after which the dot
information can begin again.

There are other associated attributes to the description attribute, these are
suffixed with a string to represent various associated information about the
BLOB/CLOB. These are not mandatory, "name" for filename, "mime" for MIME type,
"perm" for permissions of the file, "uid" for user-id , "gid" for group-id,
"type" for type of file, "mtime" for modification time, "lname" for link-name.
This makes the DOT Format also like an archive of sorts.

TODO: Blobs cannot be added to text attributes or "."


* Example of a BLOB addition to a node:
.lob @:lob1name blob1name:blobfile.bin blob1mime:bin/octet-stream 
@ lob1name
# <:blob1,blob,65536
 |<---Comment in this example: Data of size 65536 bytes comes here --->|

* Example of a CLOB addition to a node:
.lob @:lob2name clob1name:somescript.js clob1mime:text/javascript
@ lob2name
# <:clob1,clob,8192
 |<---Comment in this example: Data of size 8192 bytes comes here --->|

Special Attributes:
. - Text Attribute of an Element, multiple attributes possible.
@ - Unique Marker-Selector Attribute, multiple attributes not possible.
# - Tags Attribute, Seperated by commas, multiple attributes possible.

* Example of a text-node attribute.

* Example of a marker-selector, either creates a marker for a element or selects
  an element based on the marker-selector.

* Example of tags associated with an element
#:ram,ddr4,ddr4_2400Mhz   (creates tag attribute for the element)

Value Representation:
All values are associated with an attribute names. Attribute value pairs are
separated using a space. Space " " is itself represented using an underscore or
it can be represented with the help of DOT Escape Character "`".

* Example of a value associated with a text-node attribute.
.h1  .:This_is_a_header1_line.

Selection Representation:
The first selected element is marked as "to" element. If there is multiple DOT 
selectors then the latest selected is marked as "to" element and the one
previous to that is marked as "from" element. To clear selection use a DOT 
selector line with no markers.

This is primarily used by DOT operations.


* Example of setting "to" element.
@ toElement

* Example of setting "from" and "to" elements. The latest one is "to" element
  the older one is "from" element.
@ fromElement
@ toElement

* Example where in older ones are no longer selected.
@ notSelectedElement1
@ notSelectedElement2
@ notSelectedElement3
@ fromElement
@ toElement

* Example of clearing selected nodes.
@ clearedFromElement
@ clearedToElement

Operation Representation:
Operations require use of selected elements, the elements are selected using the
marker-selector character and the use of DOT selector lines. Some operations
require use of multiple selected elements, in which case there should be 2 DOT
selectors. Examples for these are given in the previous section (Selection

The first is always "to" element and the second is always "from" element, unless
there is only one in which case its always "to" element.


* Example of appending data of one attribute to another. Requires user to
  specify the occurrence number of the attribute.
# +:AttributeName1,0,AttributeName2,0

* Example of overwriting data one attribute with another.
# =:AttributeName1,0,AttributeName2,0

* Example of deleting an attribute.
# -:AttributeName3,0

* Example of associating an attribute from one node to attribute on another.
  Creates a link. The "from" node attribute gets linked to the attribute in "to"
# @:AttributeName4,5,AttributeName5,0

* Example of associating a node to attribute of another node. Creates a link.
  The "from" node gets linked to this new attribute in "to" node.
# @:AttributeName4a

* Example of associating result of a tag search to an existing attribute.
# ?:AttributeName5,4,ddr4`_2400Mhz

* Example of associating result of a tag search with a new attribute.
# ?:AttributeName5,ddr4`_2400Mhz

* Example of associating inverted result of tag search with an existing
# ~:AttributeName6,3,ddr4`_2400Mhz,ram

* Example of associating inverted result of tag search with a new attribute.
# ~:AttributeName6,ddr4`_2400Mhz,ram

* Example of associating result of a string split with an attribute.
# ,:AttributeName7,Value

* Example of associating a BLOB with a node attribute.
# <:AttributeName8,blob,bin/octet-stream,65536

In Version 1 of the dot format:
The '`' is used as escaping character, the reason being '\' is used as path
separator in on windows devices. And, backquote is very rarely used (Just a
feeling, not based on any research data).

`  or Backquote  is represented as '``'.
_  or Underscore is represented as '`_' 
\n or Newline    is represented as '`n'.
\t or Tab        is represented as '`t'.
\r or C Return   is represented as '`r'.

NOTE: None of the other characters require escaping.

The separators can be used in the attributes by escaping them. An 
attribute-value pair is separated by ":", so using "`:" escapes the colon.
Values have a terminating character which is a space " ", this can be escaped
too by making use of "` ". Same goes for tags/lists where the separator is a ","
, this can be escaped again by making use of escaping character "`,". 

* Examle of escaping a colon for use in attribute name:
.obj id`:`:`:`:`::id1 

* Example of escaping a space for use in attribute value:  
.obj id:this_is_a` single:attribute_value

* Example of escaping a space for use in tag-attribute value:
.obj #:one,two,three`,four` five

It can be parsed with simple string operations such as readline(), string
split() and string substitute(). The would however be a need for a escaping
functionality. Hence technically there is no need for a library as such. However
, a parser library would be very helpful. 

It can be parsed even from within Javascript easily.

Example of XML Compatibility:

   This is a title.
 <body class="bodyclass">
  This is a body.
   This is a header1 line.
  This is also a body.

Example of DOT format representation of the above data:

...title .:This_is_a_title.
..body @:bodymarker1 class:bodyclass .:This_is_a_body.
...h1  .:This_is_a_header1_line.
..body @:bodymarker1 .:This_is_also_a_body.


1. Why do we use underscore as a space ?
The reason is there are no demarcations to let the parser know that it is the 
end of an attribute value, and more over the space character is used as a
separator between attribute-value pairs. Also, using underscore would be more
readable to the user editing it, as it will be one big contiguous value. Having
a seperator like ";" would be very hard to read when the attribute-value is very

Contact Information:

anoop (dot) kn (at) gmail (dot) com
anoop (dot) kn (at) live (dot) in
anoop (dot) kumar (dot) narayanan (at) gmail (dot) com

SMS me before calling !!!
(India code) nine eight eight six zero one six five eight one.


THE DOT FORMAT - Version 1, Spec Revision 4 (Coming Soon)

THE DOT FORMAT - Version 1, Spec Revision 4 (Coming soon)


Anoop Kumar Narayanan
anoop (dot) kn (at) gmail (dot) com
anoop (dot) kn (at) live (dot) in
anoop (dot) kumar (dot) narayanan (at) gmail (dot) com

Coming Soon...

Monday, 25 September 2017

THE DOT FORMAT - Version 1, Spec Revision 3

THE DOT FORMAT - Version 1, Spec Revision 3

Anoop Kumar Narayanan
anoop (dot) kn (at) gmail (dot) com
anoop (dot) kn (at) live (dot) in
anoop (dot) kumar (dot) narayanan (at) gmail (dot) com

Spec Revision:

3 - 25/09/2017
NOTE: This revision is the new format, please ignore revision 2 and revision 1.

    ____  ____  ______   __________  ____  __  ______  ______
   / __ \/ __ \/_  __/  / ____/ __ \/ __ \/  |/  /   |/_  __/
  / / / / / / / / /    / /_  / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / /| | / /   
 / /_/ / /_/ / / /    / __/ / /_/ / _, _/ /  / / ___ |/ /    
/_____/\____/ /_/    /_/    \____/_/ |_/_/  /_/_/  |_/_/     
 _    ____________  _____ ________  _   __   ___             
| |  / / ____/ __ \/ ___//  _/ __ \/ | / /  <  /             
| | / / __/ / /_/ /\__ \ / // / / /  |/ /   / /              
| |/ / /___/ _, _/___/ // // /_/ / /|  /   / /               
|___/_____/_/ |_|/____/___/\____/_/ |_/   /_/                
    ____  _______    ___________ ________  _   __   _____    
   / __ \/ ____/ |  / /  _/ ___//  _/ __ \/ | / /  |__  /    
  / /_/ / __/  | | / // / \__ \ / // / / /  |/ /    /_ <     
 / _, _/ /___  | |/ // / ___/ // // /_/ / /|  /   ___/ /     
/_/ |_/_____/  |___/___//____/___/\____/_/ |_/   /____/      

Inspired from limitations of XML:
XML isn't the most grep-able text data format.
XML patching is extremely difficult using patch command.
XML doesn't give information on hierarchy depth.
XML requires a dedicated parser.
XML distinguishes between attribute and nodes.
XML requires a closing tag.
XML cannot grow, unless it opened in.
XML conventionally doesn't have links.
XML doesn't have support for inbuilt tags or id.
XML doesn't have support for inbuilt query or query results storing.


Compatible with XML. XML -> DOT (works), DOT -> XML (not always)
Text format, No support for unicode as yet.
Every line is a node.
Easily readable.
Easily editable.
Easily portable.
Easily searchable.
Easily patchable.
Easily grow-able.
Easily represent hierarchical data.
Easily add data links to other nodes and attributes.
Every attribute is also a node unlike XML.
Easily changeable using inbuilt support for addition/deletion of nodes/attributes.

Use Cases:
Configuration files.
All existing use-cases of XML.



The dot format is intended to be simple to understand, easily readable, portable while able to represent hierarchical data. Unlike JSON and XML formats, the dot format extensively relies on a line based information where each line represents data on a particular level. Each line is separated by a single '\n' and not '\r\n'. Empty lines are dropped and are not considered as data. Each tag starts with a '.' and the first set of lines without a '.' represents some configuration information which has the same format as a DOT line. Comment lines starts with a space. Each tag is followed by attribute value pair. The node specific data is represented with the attribute name '.'. Spaces are used as attribute and node specific value separator. The underscore is used as spaces so the there is no need for any demarcation. '*' or as Asterisk is used as a pointer to node data or an attribute. Multilevel pointers are not supported. In order to represent data of a child, the data in the next line having the tag should has to be preceded with an extra dot. The document cannot have multiple root nodes, if present the data will be appended to the original root node, the name of the new root node will be discarded.

Attribute Representation:
.body attribute1:value_of_attribute1 attribute2:value_of_attribute2 .:first_node_text_data_which_is_also_represented_as_an_attribute.

Attributes doesn't need quotes anymore, it makes uses of "_" to separate words. The spaces are used for attribute seperation.

Giving Clarity to Attributes:
To make attributes more readable, Attributes can be pushed to the next line with the '.' depth incremented by one followed by an immediate '+'.

.body attr1:this_is_an_attribute.
..+ bodyattr2:this_is_another_attribute_of_body.


In Version 1 of the dot format:
The '`' is used as escaping character, the reason being '\' is used as path separator in on windows devices. And, backquote is very rarely used (Just a feeling, not based on any research data).

Backquote  is represented as '``'.
Underscore is represented as '`_' 
Newline    is represented as '`n'.
Tab        is represented as '`t'.
C Return   is represented as '`r'.

NOTE: None of the other characters require escaping.


It can be parsed with simple string operations such as readline(), string split() and string substitute(). Hence technically there is no need for a library as such. However, a parser library would be very helpful. 

The idea is it can be parsed even from within Javascript easily.

In the process of creating a 'C programming language' parser. 

Example of XML:



This is a title.
<body class="bodyclass">
This is a body.
This is a header1 line.
This is also a body.

Example of DOT representing the above data:

...title .:This_is_a_title.
..body class:bodyclass .:This_is_a_body.
...h1  .:This_is_a_header1_line.
.. .:This_is_also_a_body.

[The above representation is correct, will create two textnode within the same body node by making use of the last node on the same level]. This specific representation maybe dropped in the future. Suggest using a marker-selector.

or the explicit representation (this will not create the same output as the previous example)


...title .:This_is_a_title.
..body class:bodyclass .:This_is_a_body.
...h1  .:This_is_a_header1_line.
..body .:This_is_also_a_body.

[The above representation is incorrect, will create two body elements]

or with comments and configuration


 This is a comment
 This is also a comment
 This is also a comment
...title .:This_is_a_title.
..body @:bodymarker1 class:bodyclass .:This_is_a_body.
...h1  .:This_is_a_header1_line.
 This is also a comment
 This is also a comment
 This is also a comment
..body @:bodymarker1 .:This_is_also_a_body.

[Correct Representation, will create two textnode within the same body element by making use of marker-selector]. This is the specific representation should be used especially when appending an element.

Special Attributes:


. - Node data

@ - Unique Marker Attribute, Its is also used as a selector for a node.
# - Common Tags, seperated by commas
- - Delete node or attribute
+ - Append attribute


@:UniqueMarker1278940     marker-selector, equivalent to id in HTML/XHTML

Special Operators:

Should be the first character after the attribute separator followed operands which are all comma "," separated.

$ - Associate a node or an attribute traced from the root node to the child node.

* - Associate a node or an attribute of a node marked with @ to the attribute
: - Operation modifier, its presence signifies the last value is an attribute. 
? - Associate a set of nodes tagged with #tag to the attribute 
~ - Associate a set of nodes not tagged with #tag to the attribute, its an inverted tag selection


result1:$,html,body,h1              root->child->child
result2:$:,html,body,bodyclass      root->child->attribute
result3:*:,3456789,attr1            getNodeWithMarker("3456789")->attribute
result4:*,3456789                   getNodeWithMarker("3456789")
result5:?,ddr4`_2400Mhz              getNodesWithTag("ddr4_2400Mhz")
result6:~,ddr4`_2400Mhz,ddr4         getInvertedNodesWithTagInSuperset("ddr4_2400Mhz", "ddr4" )
result7:~,ddr4`_2400Mhz,ram          getInvertedNodesWithTagInSuperset("ddr4_2400Mhz", "ram" )